02 September 2009

i'm so excited!!

and i just can't hide it!  i am sitting here, enjoying the peace and quiet of my house while all of my boys sleep (bryan worked a night shift last night), eating the same lunch i eat every day, and doing one of my favorite things: blog-hopping.  if i had the time, i could spend hours all day, just going from one blog to the next, finding so much inspiration from this wedding blog or that stationery website- or etsy.  don't even get me started on etsy...  one of my favorites is m writes.  i found marta through jane's website, and she's an extremely talented writer slash graphic designer slash mom slash cool lady.  she has super funky handwriting, which of course, i love (because i'd like to think i have pretty cool handwriting) and i always look forward to her posts, whether they're about her little boy, graphic design, or chocolate chip cookies.  i think she's pretty famous in the blog world, so imagine my surprise when i found a comment from her on one of my recent posts!!!  i had just been feeling sorry for myself because i haven't been getting many comments. ( i know, boo hoo, but seriously, melanie- you didn't have anything to say about liam's mohawk?!?! :)...  that was for you! ) anyway, my self-pity is over.  i'm a little star-struck at the idea that marta took the time to leave a comment about my babes!! very cool...


JB and Jane said...

I just love Marta's blog. It is always so inspiring. Actually I was thinking of borrowing her idea about the giveaway to encourage comments....

Susie-Lynn said...

Lily... I always read your blog and I love the pictures of your little boys... but my english is not so good, so I'm a little bit shy to whrite someting... because I make a lot of mistakes...

marta said...

thank you, thank you. seriously, you've made my day and boosted my ego! am happy to know you via blogland. keep blogging 'bout those darling boys. oh so sweet.

Lila said...

Marta's blog is one of my favorites too. You have a beautiful family. We were going to name our little one Finn too, but we had a girl. So we didn't. The end.