30 November 2009

ridin' in style..

in my attempt to revive this blog, i've been downloaded pictures like mad trying to organize all the crazy ideas running around in my head... and i will admit, i forgot about a few. i will tell you that i did not want to post these (well, the one of my husband is fine, but don't even get me started on the one of me). but i had to. i had to show you these super cute bjorn covers jane sewed for us. they definitely razz up these carriers, no?

who am i kidding, no one's looking at me, right?
liam, enjoying being super-stylish...

finn, trying to be cool about how cute he looks

28 November 2009

i'm back!

wow, it's really hard to live up to all this pressure... just kidding, there's no pressure. maybe only from myself... you know how it goes, life gets busy, a few days go by and no new blog posts, a few more days go by, and you keep telling yourself 'the last thing you posted was about halloween, you better get on the stick!', and pretty soon, it's almost a month later and you've become one of those bloggers. the ones who really want to post about a lot of things, but just can't make time for it. the ones who drool over many many blogs every day, but can't ever seem to think anything she has to say will be worth reading... well, that's the end of that. i am going to make an effort to not write this for anyone but me. it doesn't just have to be about the babies (who, in my defense, do take up a LOT of time) :), it's going to be about me, my family, my non-existent business, our life. i hope you'll forgive me for my hiatus, all of you 3 people who check on a regular basis. :) as of right now, i am back. wish me luck, as i think i'm about to enter one of the busiest times of my life: the holiday season. with almost one-year old twins. oy.

01 November 2009

nigiri anyone?

i've never been a big halloween person. i do not like scary movies, don't like being scared, and i really think that too many people use it as an excuse to be skanky. well, i think i'm comin' around... obviously, we participated this year- and had a blast! of course, there's not much to do with 10-month olds who can't seem to understand why this darn pillow is velcro'ed to their backs! but we took a trip up to the hospital to see bryan's co-workers and then down to our little outdoor shopping center for some "trick-or-treating". made me so excited for the years to come, when they know what's going on...

my sister found this idea in parents magazine and as someone who wanted to go all out with hand-making costumes, also someone who doesn't really know how to sew, this was a perfect alternative. so easy, and so so yummy. wish i had gotten more pictures, particularly of liam, but he's a pretty active fishy.

salmon with a side of wasabi

yummy nigiri :)

fatty tuna with ginger
(who you callin' fatty?)