21 February 2010

sarah jane studios

courtesy of sarah jane studios

i just spent the last 45 minutes drooling.  i definitely consider myself a blog-hopper, bouncing from one blog to the next, finding a link from this site to that site and pretty soon, have no idea where i started and how i ended up here.  i tried to retrace my steps (clicks), but don't know how i found this sweet site.  i've been all the way back to october on her blog, visited her etsy store, and couldn't find anything i didn't love. sweet illustrations, simple but perfect.  and some captions in french, who can argue with that?!  i don't usually post other sites i find/love on here, but i guess i had a little extra time this morning... enjoy. 

20 February 2010

save the date

i finally found someone who loves paper and fonts as much as i do...  and luckily, she's one of my "clients."  i put it in quotes because it doesn't seem like the right word.  just like one of my friends whose invitations i'm designing.  she has more ideas than any bride i've worked with, and it's so great to know she cares as much as i do about what these will look like.  first step, save the date!  ivory linen cardstock + a great fall engagement picture + perfect fonts/colors... lovely.  can't wait for the invites!

eyelet installation with the hammer, on the atlas to prevent holes in the table

19 February 2010

frank and fran

these little guys arrived in our mailbox last week from jane.  i love love love them!!  the babes are more chewing them than playing with them right now, but they definitely keep them close.  adorable. handmade gifts are my absolute favorite kind...  i guess jane used to sew and sell them in boutiques in los angeles, but got burnt out.  so glad we got a couple... :) 

18 February 2010

14 February 2010


happy valentine's day :)

13 February 2010

this is a really good cookie.

take my unending quest for the perfect chocolate chip cookie (who isn't?) + a little time to do whatever i wanted to do one afternoon + $16 (!) of really, really, really good chocolate + a splinking of sea salt before going into the oven  = a damn good cookie.  i think i could safely say it's my favorite chocolate chip cookie thus far in my life, but i will also say that i think i could possibly find a better one.  maybe it's because it was a kind of involved recipe- by involved, i mean you're supposed to chill the dough for 24 hours before you bake the cookies! pssshtt, ok.  it's jacques torres recipe featured in the new york times and you can find it here.  yes, i realize the recipe is from 2008! i'm a little behind...

05 February 2010

mr. rip van-winkie

so we got a new point-and-shoot, because we'd been using one that had been stepped on in the grand canyon... which was in 2007... and it was duct-taped together.  i hated to let the old one go, because it still took really good pictures!, so we just got the new version.  but i do think the light that comes on before the flash is just a tad bright, though...  we've happened upon a new face from finney... :)

my little noah-bear

happy birthday to one of my best friends today...  we got a visit from them last week, and noah really loved our bouncer.  he might have just needed a little warning to get ready for his close-up...