02 December 2008

good news!!

as i believed it would be, because i've been VERY good about staying down these past 5 days, my cervix has not dilated anymore!!!! yea!!! so although it's not the greatest thing in the world, i'm only 2cm and have orders to keep doing what i'm doing and to "flood myself with water"...  i hate it, he knows i hate it, but it really does make a difference in how active my uterus is.  so i guess these babies heard auntie mel's threat from across the country and decided to behave.  right now, they're saying- hey it wasn't us, it was mom's ute!!!! :) this means no holiday shopping for me, though.  you can all imagine how disappointed i was to hear that... i wish there was a way to convey sarcasm, because that's the greatest news in the world!!!! :):) so everyone, keep your fingers crossed and keep thinking positively that we're making it to the end of january!!!!


Tiffany said...

so glad to hear the good news. i always blame the uterus:) i know how sad you are you can't shop:) are you surprised that i was out on black friday at 4:45am? keep up the resting and tell your uterus to be quiet!!!

melanie said...

Yay! Good babies! Yes, always blame the uterus.Make sure those babies know that the threat is still there if they start misbehaving
Miss you!

melanie said...

Oh and you can still holiday shop....there's nothing like online shopping!

Momya said...

Glad to hear you are behaving, or at least your ute is! Be kind to the ute- feed it water! I know you know that! Or is that kind of like "remind me how to do a cervidil"!!!