08 December 2010

winter wonderland...

in a cookie jar, a la martha stewart - who else?

this was super easy, i can finally say i started and completed something during naptime.  my only issue was all the stickiness...  i'm not completely OCD like a certain sister i have, but i have a few things:  i don't like christmas lights that blink, i prefer for two light switches on a switch-plate to be going the same direction when turned off, and i don't like my hands to be sticky.  what i'm about to tell you may cause you to judge me just a bit, but that's ok:  i used to hold raisins in my hands and smoosh them all around, just so i could wash my hands.  yeah, i told you it was bad.  go ahead, judge.  so for this project, i kept a wet washcloth close by for emergencies.  however, it caused all the jimmies and sprinkles to lose their color.  ergo, i had to deal.  with all the gumdrop sticky.  

i survived.

p.s. i'm pretty sure there are a lot more things to add to that 'i'm not OCD, but here's my list' list, but i didn't want to wander.  i'm pretty good at that.

1 comment:

melanie said...

very cute!

Hey, check out www.kids.woot.com before 10pm on 12/14/10. Something cute that I think you might like

The boys are adorable btw! Wish Sam could meet them soon and we could watch them play.

Miss you!
Love, Melanie xxx