22 September 2010

i should clarify

there are people who are really good at scrapbooking, photo albums, "memory keeping", etc.. i cannot count myself among those people.  as i said yesterday, i just finished what i'm calling the boys' baby books.  i actually didn't finish, as i'd like to add some info about the time they were born.  but i printed the pictures out (which is huge), put them into albums, and captioned most of the pics.  i also should add that these are just the pictures from their birth and hospital stay.  for all the other ones- the pregnancy, the move, when they came home and their lives up until now, i still have a ginormous stack waiting to be catalogued.  once i get a few more of these kolo albums (which, in my opinion, are so much better than your average photo album), i'll work on the rest.  maybe by the time they go to school, i'll have it all finished.  for milestones and other important things that happen in their lives, i'm keeping a journal.  instead of annoying photo corners, i used happy tape, which i'm starting to get a tad obsessed with.  i just hope it sticks.


JB and Jane said...

the happy tape is so awesome! What a brilliant way to attach photos.

kate said...

hard to believe those are the same boys! looks great