07 April 2010

spring has sprung!

which means (since last spring, we were still trying to settle into a routine with our four month-olds) home improvement time!  on the list:

1.  replace house numbers
2.  plant forsythia on the blank side of the house
3.  create a stone path in our front yard where grass doesn't want to grow
4.  tear out ugly bushes under our living room window and replace with something pretty
5.  try to work a japanese maple into our landscaping  (trying so hard)
6.  figure out how to take the backyard back from the dogs, and then figure out where to put the dogs

so far, we've checked off 1 and 2 (i say we like i had anything to do with it) and i'm LOVING the forsythia... because i'm a virgo perfectionist (ugh), the house numbers i don't love... it's hard to get them straight and evenly spaced, apparently!  and here's a few pics of my mister checking off number 3! more pictures of the process and once it's finished to come!

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