29 March 2010

15 month babes

a few pictures from yesterday... i couldn't find shirts that were the same, but different (same pattern, different colors), so they matched... but seriously, how cute.  i keep going back and forth between needing to cut liam's mullet and not wanting to get rid of his curls...  i'm so torn!  finn's hair isn't as long, and it's curlier, so i don't have this problem with his yet.  we finally got around to baby-proofing the whole ground floor, so the last couple pictures are of them enjoying their new favorite activity... taking everything out of their drawer in the kitchen and banging, banging, banging!  their germo-phobie daddy has a tiny issue with this, but it keeps them occupied so i don't really care. 

finn (top)
liam (bottom)


JB and Jane said...

seriously too cute lily!
thanks for posting all of these adorable pics

melanie said...

I can't believe how big they are getting! I think you should keep Liam's hair as is. Too cute!