23 August 2010

like butta

all i did today was dream of getting back in these pants immediately after the boys went to bed.  i actually considered putting them back on after my shower this morning.  then i thought it might not be publicly acceptable for me to wear pajama pants out and about.  although i've seen much worse.  i went to florida this weekend with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law.  along with the most wedding planning i've ever seen crammed into 2 days, we also hit the best outlet mall fort myers has to offer.  gap was our first stop, and it (like usual) was where i did the most damage.  i'm pretty sure these were under $10.  doesn't even feel like i'm wearing pants.  in the words of linda richman of coffee talk, they're "like butta."  now discuss amongst yuh-selves.

and i promise i will stop posting random, non-liamandfinn related things soon.  we have our first day of "school" tomorrow, so i'm hoping to have pictures up shortly after that!  thank you, kristina, for leaving a comment and reminding me to do so!

1 comment:

JB and Jane said...

We are somehow synchronized...my mom just gave me a similar pair of juicy couture pants and I have been thinking the exact same thing.

Would love to see pictures of the boys too, but I do love your random intermittent thoughts as well