24 August 2010

first day of "school"

i guess maybe because i hadn't gotten the camera out, told everyone to stand in a certain place (ha! like that would have worked), and to put their best non-fake smiles on, is why i managed to get this picture.  after breakfast, finn casually leaned on the window, and because we made such a big deal about how he was totally posing, liam wanted in on the attention - of course!  i have more pictures (the official ones, with their school bags in front of them because they don't really know how to hold them yet), but this one was just too cute to keep from the blogosphere.

we took them to their classroom, signed them in, put their bags in their baskets, got nervous as all the other kids around them erupted into tears as their parents left, and waited for their cries as we disappeared around the corner.  much to our delight (and, i'll admit it, a little to my disappointment), no crying.  when did these boys get so big?


Unknown said...

Can I get a copy of this picture? They are the cutest children I've ever seen!!!

Anonymous said...

me too me too! love this picture :)

Momya said...

holy smokes! could they be any cuter? and why are they so old?! i feel like it was last week that i was waiting on them to grow into their jeans! been thinking about you guys... someday we need to get together! miss ya!

kristina said...

adorable- tell me about their school!