31 January 2010

first day of bakery class

if only i was talking about improving my skills in the kitchen...  tomorrow, i start an online business class.  eek.  i'm excited/nervous/scared-as-hell... this means that i actually have to get good at the business side of things.. i've been waiting and waiting for someone to magically drop into my life who is a PR person and really wants to break into the wedding biz.  well, i guess i have to be that someone...  obviously, i'm meant to do this myself.  my neighbor/good friend, who is an artist herself, told me yesterday that the artists who are pretty successful aren't usually the ones who are talented, they just know how to market themselves.  well, i plan on being both.  and it's about time, i'd say... watch out world, here i come! wish me luck... :)

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