11 September 2008

coming to visit!!

we are coming to have a last hoorah!!! who knew i'd be doing it in fresno of all places? :)  my doc says i have to stop airplane traveling (since i do so much of that now...) when i'm 26 weeks, which puts me into november, i think- 8 weeks from today, actually, so we're going to come out october 12-19. i won't be there that whole time- we're going to be splitting our time between vegas, truckee, and fresno... a boards review course is in vegas for bryan, sarah d, christian, sammy, and ben are in truckee, and all the rest of my favorite people are in fresno! i'm pretty sure i'll be there the beginning of that week- the 13-16th... so i will count on seeing ALL of you- i can't wait!!! neither can chuck and ned... they were conceived there, after all... so sad :) i guess it could have been in bakersfield. :) 


Tiffany said...

yay!can't wait to see all of you! :)

Sarah Mouliot said...

I'm sooo excited to see tou guys!!! The belly is looking very cute :) miss you