03 September 2008

chuck and ned

so there's this show called pushing daisies that i got hooked on last year.  it's about this guy (ned) who can bring dead things back to life by touching them- all dead things: flowers, fruit, people, dogs, etc.  the catch is that once he's brought a dead thing back to life, he can't touch it again or it will be dead for good.  i know, it sounds weird.  so he brings the love of his life (charlotte, who goes by chuck) back to life (?) after she was accidentally killed, except now they can't touch at all or she'll be a goner.  so sad... in his car, he has a clear plastic partition that allows them to see each other and pretend like they're holding hands, but to not actually touch.  so bryan and i were talking about the babies the other night and he said, hey, they're like chuck and ned- they're really close, but they're separated by their membranes and can't actually touch!!  so the whole point of this pointless story is that we've moved on from calling them baby A and baby B to calling baby A chuck and baby B ned.  we think chuck's the girl anyway, so it kinda works out.  i just hope ned turns out to be a boy, or a girl who's been called ned might have issues.  i hope you all found this as amusing as i did- i understand if you don't... :) pictures of them very soon!

1 comment:

melanie said...

that's awesome...I love it! I love that show and that's a great thought. Good job Bryan! I can't wait to meet Chuck and Ned!!!