09 March 2011

il mio passaporto

if i was actually achieving my new year's resolutions in a timely manner, i would write a bit of this post in italian.  number 3 on my list: learn enough italian for our trip.  we're going to italy!!  bryan and i, for 10 days, rome. florence. and venice.  can't believe i haven't already written about it, considering it's been booked for about a month now.  i was only reminded i hadn't when i got this in the mail:

it's not my first, i've actually had two already in my short life.  this is my third and will be until 2021.  my first was for a trip to paris i took with my mom in high school.  best vacation i've ever had.  then i had to renew when i turned 18 for another trip back to paris in college.  (i love paris in the springtime, i love paris in the fall...)  then we went to thailand after we got married and didn't have time to change my maiden name to married, so just took my marriage certificate along and had no issues.  so fast forward to now, when i FINALLY need my passport again!! apparently, you're not allowed to smile; hence, the exasperated look on my face that also looks like i've been fake-tanning.  but we're going, at the end of may, and i can't wait.  we've been watching rick steves (nerd alert) on hulu and have bought an instant immersion italian kit.  hopefully, we'll be able to find the pasta, pizza, and gelato.  after that, i really don't need to know anything else.

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