28 October 2009

10 months

our little guys are ten months old... in two! months, they will be one year old. maybe if i say it every day until then, i will actually comprehend the idea that they have already been here for one year! how long we waited for them, and how quickly time has flown since then... in the last month, we have made much advancement in the area of food. we've graduated from the beaba and started eating big-kid food! scrambled eggs, potato soup, yogurt (that one isn't really that big of a deal), and even tofu! i've been told "not to pass on my dislike of certain foods to my children", so i'm trying with that one... finn's still having a hard time with textures, but he's getting better. liam pretty much opens his mouth for everything, and just waits until it's in to figure out if he doesn't like it or not... it usually stays in, thank goodness. we've also introduced sippy cups, which we're still getting the hang of. liam is cruising everything, and is not ever interested in sitting, is always exploring or climbing. finn started army-crawling a couple of weeks ago, and loves that he can finally move like his brother- and his drool hasn't slowed down, so it's nice that he spreads that all around... :) they love laughing at each other, and i think their secret language has already begun. adorable.




JB and Jane said...

10 months, so fast! I can't even believe it myself.

Susie-Lynn said...

Your Liam is so like my Liam :)

Anonymous said...

Seriously adorable....however, Liam~are you developing a "combover" or as one of my sweetest patients in the world referred to it as "a steal from the side"
You boys are getting huge!

Anonymous said...

oh Anonymous is Auntie Kari....sorry