03 June 2009

my new header!

i'm sure i'm making a much bigger deal of this than it really is, but i'm pretty proud of myself for the new header you see above... i am guilty of spending too much time blog-hopping on different sites having to do mostly with design, art, photography, etc..  i always notice the look of these sites (they are design sites, after all, so these people are experts), and find myself wanting to be just like them.  however, my style is a little more simple- not really flowery, over the top, or embellished... just simple, clean, and classic.  so i got this idea from one of the many sites i visit: from a mom who made a flier for a play group that she started and thought it would be pretty simple to do... well, with a little help from my graphic designer friend, jane, and bryan (who helped with the animals on the babies' shirts), 3 hours later, the stork's nest has a new header!! enjoy :)


Tiffany said...

love it! I wish I had talent like you.

Jennifer Mullinax said...

perfect...nice job!! :)

Momya said...

love, love, love it! you are so creative! let me know when you want to do one for me!!

JB and Jane said...

super cute lily, i love it! see...it wasny that hard now was it?