27 May 2009

big boys!

liam ~ finn

as much as i would love to post many more pictures with details of how these two FIVE MONTH-OLDS are growing, we are in the middle of a crazy day full of plumbing emergencies and boys who won't sleep (perhaps due to the muddy-shoed men who are traipsing in and out of our house)... so enjoy these adorable blue-eyed babes for the moment and there will be more soon, i promise! : )


JB and Jane said...

We both have blue eyed babies.
See...they were made for each other! :-)

YIKES on the plumbing! hope that gets resolved soon.

Brianne said...

Oh my gosh lily...They are seriously adorable!!! Hope all is settling down with the plumbing stuff.

Anonymous said...

Hey fellas....even though you're not identical, I think that you are starting to look more and more alike. Look how big you have gotten, showin' off your neck muscles to the ladies....pretty impressive. I love you bunches, Aunt Kari (or Kiwi...whichever you prefer)