10 January 2011


i think bryan's going to have to wait another year until they're as excited as he is to go play in the snow... or maybe this was their first time and they just need a little more exposure.  probably, considering they are his children.

 sporting their first faux fur of the season...

 daddy's teaching us that we can eat the snow

ellie wants to play so badly!
she can't because she tends to get over-excited and "maul" the boys - dislike.

doesn't this look like it could be an album cover?
yeah, i did that on purpose.

too much fun.
(except we didn't really like walking that much in our new boots,
even though we say boots very well)

just to show the depth of the snow...
it could stop anytime and i'd be fine with that.


JB and Jane said...

looks like so much fun! Wish we could come play!

kate said...

great pictures-can't believe how much snow!