27 December 2010

what a zoo it was...

you don't really realize that even though you just invite your immediate families, that means 20 people.  it was a zoo, but stayed well with the theme.  and after christmas the day before, this mama bear is ready for a break.  i didn't get a chance to get many photos, although i did video them eating their cupcakes.  just like last year, liam was literally face in the cake, while finn picked pieces of frosting off one by one before he decided he really wanted to eat it.  kathy had the great idea of circus/zoo food, so we did peanuts, popcorn, kettle corn (which someone is going to need to take away from me, and soon), bananas, pigs in a blanket, caramel apples, and a sad veggie tray for good measure.  bryan's family came in early to help with the set-up and lisa beautifully decorated about half of the cupcakes as zoo animals.  these were a huge hit.  the other half, i had her do some bright colors, so i could use the animal toppers that inspired the theme.  because i was too busy eating running around to take pictures, here are a few of the famous cupcakes.  

and the birthday boys...

can anyone tell me how it is i already have two year-olds?
and how i'm going to survive this stage??

1 comment:

JB and Jane said...

Oh! Happy Happy belated birthday.
Wish we could have joined the zoo!!
what adorable cupcakes and the theme food sounded brilliant