01 October 2010

like mother, like son... i guess

you know those stories parents tell, the ones that always have you rolling your eyes, denying it ever happened?  well, i don't deny this happened, because i know myself, but i still roll my eyes.  to start, i should say i have never claimed to be the outdoorsy type, i don't mind camping as long as there's a shower every day (i know), i had a near death experience in the grand canyon, i could go on and on.  it's part all of that / part lazy, i'll admit.  

when i was 5 or so, we had just moved from new york to the farm in kansas, and we had lots of land to explore.  62 acres, to be exact.  so one day, we were on a looooooong walk, and i got tired.  we were still pretty far from the house,  so i asked dad if he'd carry me.  i was 5, and i guess he didn't feel like it.  or maybe he did for awhile, but then got tired of it.  well, i wasn't going to walk anymore, and that was final.  i sat down in the middle of the meadow and said unless someone carries me home, i'm not moving.  i was shocked when everyone just kept on going!  and anyone who knows my parents aren't surprised at the fact that they didn't wait for me to get over myself.  i don't know exactly how the story ends, but i'm pretty sure it went something like - i waited until i was entirely sure they were not coming back for me, then sulked my way up to the house.  

although this didn't go exactly like that, i saw a bit of similarity in this picture i took of liam on our walk yesterday in the park. 

if you click on the picture to make it big,
you can really see the look on his face. so disgusted...


kate said...

or...an impending load.

kristina said...

haha! recently i was that mother with the screaming toddler throughout walmart. sure is fun!

JB and Jane said...

hilarious! love this story.