10 October 2010

i think i can, i think i can...

so it turns out i didn't really need to be giving myself any sort of pep talk or psyching myself out to make these, they were kind of a piece of cake.  just a little bit, i wish i would have found a pattern that didn't really end up looking like pajama pants.  but they needed to be easy enough that i didn't give up halfway through and end up buying $40 or $50 pants (x2) when all i spent on these was a mere $10!  i think that might have been a run-on...  

i used a pattern from oliver + s (which, add it to the list, is another reason i need to have a girl someday), and i was freaked out because the top that comes with these pants is really involved.  turns out the pants are not. at all.  i did these in a couple of hours, so i'm sure an expert could bang them out over breakfast.  my apologies for the crappy photo, and i will eventually have some on the models.  in the sand.  with no shoes on... i can hardly wait!


JB and Jane said...

bravo Lily! I knew it would be easy for you. Can't wait to see them on the models.
Next I want to see you tackle to top that goes with. ;-)

Brianne said...

Love the pants but I have to admit, I stop by each day hoping for some news on your hair. You totally left us hanging. Did you cut it??