06 May 2010

the zoo!

we finally took the boys to the zoo!  we've been wanting to since they were practically born, and thought they'd finally appreciate it, now that they're a little older... weeellll, i think they would have if there wouldn't have been a million elementary school kiddies running around, screaming and running around like crazy people appreciating the animals all on their own.  we were probably more excited than they were.  but that's ok, we bought an annual pass that will pay for itself in one more visit and we're sure they'll love it once they get a little older - and not so cranky if their morning snack gets a little delayed because australia is taking a little longer than expected.  a few pictures - just a few! i love these boys and their growing curiosity... it's really amazing to watch their little faces light up and the wheels turning - so amazing.

we're ready, let's go!

mom, did you see the baby deer?

we loved the meerkats 

my favorite little baby orangutang. that can't be the right spelling...

the kangaroos

immediately pre-meltdown... finn wasn't into the sheep being so close.
liam was indifferent :)

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Adorable photos!