05 February 2010

mr. rip van-winkie

so we got a new point-and-shoot, because we'd been using one that had been stepped on in the grand canyon... which was in 2007... and it was duct-taped together.  i hated to let the old one go, because it still took really good pictures!, so we just got the new version.  but i do think the light that comes on before the flash is just a tad bright, though...  we've happened upon a new face from finney... :)


JB and Jane said...

oh my gosh, these are too much. I'm sitting here giggling. The bookshelf climber is my fav I have to say.
But no, i see my future there aack!

Susie-Lynn said...

Lilly where did you get the shirt or pyjamas with monsters on???

Souz xxx