06 September 2009

eight months... already?

and it's even almost 2 weeks after the 26th! oh well, at least i'm doing it at all...

the last couple months have been very busy for these little guys.  finn is still extremely laid-back (just like daddy), but has finally started to come alive!  he decided to give rolling over a try, which now he does with the greatest of ease- i just wish that he'd learn to do it in bed- he sleeps on his tummy (bad mama), and when he's coming out of a deep sleep, sometimes he rolls over onto his back.  and there he lies, like a beetle who can't turn back over, until he talks loudly enough for us to hear and come flip him back over...  silly little bird. :)  although not a bird anymore, and not little.  we've crossed "our first ear infection" off of the list and had to visit the doctor the other day.  he is weighing in at an impressive 18 pounds 9 ounces. chunk. o.  we're working on sitting up, but he'd much rather lie on his back or tummy... we've forayed (?) into the world of solid food, and he's very much enjoying it- on the good list: sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, peas if you mix them with an orange/sweet veggie, avocados, bananas, apricots, pears, apples, and peaches.  we started chicken this last week, too- i had a recipe from one of the super foods cookbooks which has pureed chicken, butternut squash, and potatoes in it (with a bit of butter).  he LOVES it!  on the bad list: broccoli and cauliflower. he does this adorable thing where he'll take the bite, but then he actually shudders after it goes down.  and he's inherited my gag reflex, so he usually does that until it comes back up.  needless to say, we haven't gone there again...  and except for the last few nights with the ear infection and the endless drainage (which translates into not being able to breathe), he sleeps from 7-6am with a couple of 2-2 1/2 hour naps! angel baby. :)

so sweet

something green, i'm assuming

onto liam... he is all over the place. not officially crawling yet, but definitely getting around to his satisfaction.  everyone said, oh, they'll be everywhere before you know it, and i didn't believe them.  but they were right! my goodness, it's impossible- thank goodness we have a finished basement that has been completely childproofed, so we can let him just roam free...  we just have to make it a little more hang-out-able for us, because it's still the basement.  on the food front, he eats everything.  and there are things he likes more than others: everything on finn's good list, but he will eat everything... he also is dealing with textures a little better than finney... he loves cheerios, but finn's gag reflex comes into play with these- apparently, anything that stays on his tongue a second too long sets it off... geez :).  haven't weighed liam since his 6 month appt, but i'm thinking he's a least a pound behind his brother- he's too active to be super chunky.  i wish i could say he sleeps like finn (wouldn't that be heaven?) but that would just be too good to be true- he does sleep from 7-6, but you would think he had an alarm clock... it is 6 o'clock on the dot every. single. morning.  but i'll take it :)... his naps aren't as good, but we just got darkening shades in the nursery, which helped tremendously! he now usually takes a couple naps that are 1 1/2 hours long... so i do get a bit of me time :)...

crawling to aunt kathy

i don't even know...

we are loving these little ones, we can't stand it!  as cliche' as it is, it really is double the fun!!


Susie-Lynn said...

Oh I'm a bad mama too, Liam is sleeping on in tummy... :) and like 2 months ago we had to replace him on his tummy too at night because he was not able to do it hisself ouffffffff :)

melanie said...

They are growing so fast. I know I know, haven't commented in a while. Totally meant to do so especially the hawk picture. I just get busy and forget to do it. Sorry :( I do read it all the time though. I love reading stories about those 2 cute chunkers. Can't wait to see them again!

Miss you and love you guys

marta said...

these guys are just soo cute.

and thank you for your comment! to answer your question, we got benji's darling plaid 'boat shoes' at Target. a pair or two would be perfect in your place.