19 December 2008

finally... a belly picture!

i've not been very good about this part of the blog... can you blame me when for the last almost two weeks, i've been lying in a hospital, definitely not wearing makeup and having very below average hair??? so i promised a couple people that since today, i had to go in public to see my doc, that i would remember to take a belly pic and post it. here it is!! :)
yeah, i know it's huge.  just think, i'm only 31 and 3 weeks- i'm planning on growing this watermelon way bigger!!!  and oh, by the way, everything went well at the doctors, the babies looked good, i have a 45 week sized uterus (nice), and my wonderful doctor is going to be out of town from next tuesday to sunday... yikes!  all the more reason to stay pregnant all the way 'til we ring in the new year! and then some...


Tiffany said...

looking good. you are even still wearing your ring-nice! Keep laying low:)

melanie said...

Man I wish I could kiss all over that belly! Stay in there ned and chuck!! It looks cozy

Auntie Melanie xxx