15 September 2008

is it too soon to waddle?

so as i've finally adjusted to actual size of my growing belly and stopped subconsciously sucking it in, i've noticed that i look like a penguin when i walk.  we went to dinner last night (i'm so thrilled to be able to say we went out to eat and i didn't have any issues!!!!!) in part of kansas city called westport.  we've been looking for sushi (for bryan, filet teriyaki and tempura for me :)) and haven't been so lucky.  1 point for fresno!!  apparently, it's not so easy to get fresh fish in the middle of the country.  but it is easy to avoid things like earthquakes and hurricanes... i'm sorry, i digress.  so a couple months ago, my sister and her husband sean were here visiting and went to get sushi with one of kate's nursing school friends at a place in westport.  kate and sean definitely know good sushi, so we went there last night.  sorry, i'm really rambling... anyway, westport has a lot of shops, restaurants, bars, etc., all w/big glass windows in the front.  as we're walking back from eating (yummy sushi- yea!!), i look over at my reflection... seriously?!?!??! that's what i look like? why didn't anyone tell me? i know i have twins and i'm growing twice as fast as one normally would, so it's all kind of been an adjustment.  i guess in every sense of the word.  i guess i don't waddle all the time, but if i've been sitting for an extended period of time (eating, charting, etc.), when i get up, i have to adjust everything to make it comfortable to walk, which translates into waddling.  it was probably worse last night, because we had just eaten.  i am definitely appreciating that it's making everything (except my boobs- holy cow!) look smaller. :) my wonderful mother said the other day, it's the only time you'll enjoy the size of your rear end... :) again, thanks mom.  but i have realized i can't deny my blossoming (ha ha!) shape any longer...

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Another thing that may happen when you grow faster than normal-falls. I fell a few times when pregnant with the triplets. Be careful. My center of gravity just changed to quickly. Of course, I am a klutz too!!!:)