08 August 2008

one of each?

i had my 12 week ultrasound on tuesday- officially, at the doctor's office and all. :) i'm sorry that this post will only have one picture, but for some reason, she gave us all of them on a FLOPPY disc.  i don't even know what that is anymore! so bryan has to fix our old computer or i have to go to my parents' house, who always have the archaeic technology taken care of. :) a little bit of an inconvenience, because we're supposed to bring it back to every ultrasound (oh, yeah, i forgot to mention that my dr. wants one every month!) and she'll just add on to what's on there already.  at least we get them- she took so many! :)  baby A first: would not stop moving long enough for her to do measurements!  all over the place, mostly completely upside down! so we're calling this one a girl. :) i had to really concentrate not to laugh so we could get a clear picture- it was so amazing.  all of her lengths, circumferences, etc. came out perfectly: 12 weeks and 2 days, which was 2 days over what i was, but who's counting? as long as they're not too little, 2 days is nothing.  on to baby B: this one scared me a little at first.  wasn't moving to the point of me thinking there was something wrong, until she focused on him and we saw his heart beating just as strongly (strong?) as his sister's.  i know, i know, i'm only 12 weeks and we have no way of knowing which is which and what they are, it's just hard not to call them him or her- we're not going to call them it's!!  so baby B takes after daddy, whatever he or she may be... check this out:

baby B hangin' out

for those of you who may not be able to tell which end's up (don't worry, sometimes i have a hard time, just like rachel on friends)  baby's face is on the right side of the pic, along with his body since his head is like half his body, his hands are up by his head, and his feet are in the air, almost looking like they're crossed!!! could this baby be any more relaxed?!?! nestled in there, just as if he was lying on a hammock! definitely his father's baby :).  all of his measurements also equalled 12 weeks and 2 days, whoo-hoo!!  i have one anterior placenta and one posterior placenta (this is a good thing), i had only gained one pound since my last visit!, my formerly ginormous cysts that were 18cm collectively are now 4 1/2 cm together, hence the slight weight gain- that's a lot of water i'm not carrying around anymore. and everything else checked out!  so as soon as i can get the pictures off of the floppy disc, i will post them- can't wait for you all to see them! :)

1 comment:

melanie said...

Ooooh I'm soooo excited that they are both doing so well! I am hoping that they are one of each sex. What terrific news about the cysts getting smaller. Seriously so excited for you guys!!