29 June 2011

a little catch-up

we've been in full-on summer mode at the stork house and it hasn't left much time for the blog.  plus, then that inevitable stretch of time in which nothing's been posted goes on and on and on and then nothing feels important enough to post.  but i know there are a few (2) people who do check in on a normal basis, so i'm going to try and oblige.  yes, i know this should just be for me, but sometimes i care what other people think.  sue me.  so as not to make this too long, a few pictures will do...

 our new room is finally finished and almost decorated!
(we are loving loving loving it)

 benbo and kate came to visit

 and we all wished we lived just a bit closer together...

 but, of course, couldn't be bothered to ever look at the camera at the same time

 this is the best we got :)

 one of the guys' favorite places- poppy's lap at the piano

 out to dinner

 missing sean

and back to the normal routine of wearing mama's shoes around the house.

10 June 2011

woop woop!

it's for real.  it's actually happening.  so exciting!