23 June 2009


bedtime has become one of my very favorite times of the day...  i think my other favorite is in the morning when i wake up to liam talking very loudly to a) his mobile b) his hands or c) finn, trying to wake him up.  most mornings, it's liam who's talking, but actually it was finn this morning and liam was laying very quietly just staring at the ceiling.  when you walk in, finn's crib comes first (which reminds me, i need to post some pictures of our nursery since we've put up their names and hung jen's SA-WEET mobiles), and if i just glance at liam and see him not moving, i automatically think he's asleep because he's NEVER not moving!  so it's a tad creepy to go over to see liam awake, but just staring... but oh, so cute when he sees me or bryan and squeals with excitement!! : )

anyway, i digress... bedtime.  it's a long day in the stork house, spending all my/our time with the babies, especially if it's hot like it is right now and we don't get outside at all...  since we're not really to the sitting up stage quite yet, it's hard to figure out how to entertain them for the hours when they're not taking their naps... and no, kasey, we haven't tried the baby einstein yet, although i'm about to put it in, because i think i'd much rather have them watch that than the crap TV i watch!  i just think we need to can the TV altogether, i just hate the look they get when they stare at the screen... completely gommed out, like their brains have stopped working altogether... anyway, the days are long and i'll admit, i get tired of hanging out with them somedays.  i want some 'me' time!! so i'm watching the clock, looking forward to 7:00... it's been a long time coming, but they finally are going down pretty easily- we're able to put both of them down while they're still awake, but drowsy after their bottles and they're usually pretty good about soothing themselves to sleep.  finn's a little more difficult because if he's not in the right state of drowsiness, he'll just keep spitting up and not go to sleep... liam usually rolls about for a good 15-20 minutes before finding his comfy spot for the night- i love going in before i go to bed and seeing where they've ended up... and seeing their adorable little feet crossed- liam's done that for awhile now, but finn just started- so so cute!  

liam loves his yellow blankie

look at those thunder thighs!!

and i realized after i downloaded these pictures the lovely spit-up stains on both of their sheets.  i was going to try to crop them out and then i thought that all of you who are mothers would understand and not think i was a terrible mom who never changed the crib sheets.  and if you do think i'm a terrible mom, i just have one thing to say: crib bumpers. worst thing in the world. times two. or three if you're tiff. worst. thing. ever.

stay tuned for more pictures- they'll be six months on friday!!!! : )

13 June 2009

rice cereal

well, we've started the next phase of the babies' lives: solid food!!!  i really really wanted to be able to breast feed these babies until now or even 9 months or a year... however, they had other plans and i ended up pumping and doing half and half formula/breast milk.  let me tell you how THRILLED i am not to be having to pump anymore, although i do wish they were still getting breast milk, but that's a whole other issue that i've pretty much gotten over... almost :)... so since we've gone to just formula (hello bankrupt), we've been having some constipating issues.  i wasn't sure when i was going to start the solid food because even though they're going to be six months this month (i know!), they're still adjusted and i didn't think i needed to rush it.  well, again, they (or their digestive tracts) had other plans.  so a couple of nights ago, we started rice cereal!!  it was a bit difficult, considering they're not able to sit up yet and still bobble their cute little heads a bit, but they actually did a lot better than we thought they would... we haven't gotten their high chairs yet, so we ended up putting one in the carseat on the floor next to us, and bryan held the other while i fed him... let's just say it will be nice to get the high chairs! :) enjoy these messy boys!!

finn, who did a tad better than his brother

liam, who was already cranky and wasn't very patient

these two pictures are ones i just had to share immediately: although we can't leave them on our bed unattended anymore (oh, like you haven't done it once or twice!! : )) because liam is a rolling machine, i went to the nursery to get a pacifier and came back to find them just hanging out like this... i'm hoping finn's always okay being bulldozed by his brother- i have a feeling it will happen a lot! and of course, they can't ever smile at the same time so here is the same picture twice, just one difference... :)

03 June 2009

my new header!

i'm sure i'm making a much bigger deal of this than it really is, but i'm pretty proud of myself for the new header you see above... i am guilty of spending too much time blog-hopping on different sites having to do mostly with design, art, photography, etc..  i always notice the look of these sites (they are design sites, after all, so these people are experts), and find myself wanting to be just like them.  however, my style is a little more simple- not really flowery, over the top, or embellished... just simple, clean, and classic.  so i got this idea from one of the many sites i visit: from a mom who made a flier for a play group that she started and thought it would be pretty simple to do... well, with a little help from my graphic designer friend, jane, and bryan (who helped with the animals on the babies' shirts), 3 hours later, the stork's nest has a new header!! enjoy :)